Our local industry had a major win recently with the NSW Government agreeing to keep the NSW Hairdresser’s Act in place. The team at Crown Hair are incredibly grateful to the Australian Hairdressing Council (AHC) for its stand on the value of our profession and this remarkable achievement.
The AHC is an active network of hair professionals who work as a voice on behalf of our industry. As a Gold Salon Select member, Crown Hair aligns itself very closely with the high quality service and ethical standards of the AHC.
We value these standards not only for our direct and immediate benefit but for the benefit of the next generation of hairdressers.
We firmly believe the hairdressing industry should “move with the times” but it should never compromise the technical, creative and service standards it has worked so hard to maintain.
Technology for instance is having a huge impact on the world of hairdressing. It is transforming the way we learn, perform, educate, and promote. It is changing the lens from which we view the art of hair and making even the most established hairdressers review how things are done, and this is for the better.
These very circumstances are what Howard McLaren, a founding member of R+Co, explores in his documentary, The Reset.
The Reset is essentially about the changing the landscape of hairdressing in America where there are many conflicting industry standards but the film is more than that as it explores broader societal issues such as corporate ethics and responsibility, and inter-generational culture gaps.
Crown’s Director of Colour, Kathy Gilbert, is a huge fan.
“Even though the film is set in The States so much of it is relevant to the industry globally in terms of how we come together and what’s getting in the way.
I found a lot of truth in what Howard McLaren puts forward about Millennials. Specifically how my generation from the “golden years of hairdressing” need to think outside the square in order to connect with the new younger hairdressers coming into the industry.
Up until now it’s like we’ve been trying to make them wear our history, we expect them to listen to us, but the truth is it’s not always relevant how we did things and this is now their journey.
The thing is we can learn from the new generations just as much as they can learn from us. My generation know all about what can and can’t be done technically and this is something that must absolutely and always be a focus. For new hairdressers however great importance is placed on online self promotion in order to build a clientele. These are things that they naturally understand because they were practically born into it. So for us we have to wriggle from our place of rigidity, listen, learn, and share”.
Ladies and gentlemen take your seats and enjoy: The Reset.